May 26, 2008

PDA (dell axim x51v) - Easy Method to Quit Smoking

"PDA (dell axim x51v) with a small piece of software (SPB time) can help quit smoking".

You must have tried countless techniques to quite smoking before: Gum, patches, hypnosis… you name it, you tried it; nothing works much.

Try a very simple method using PDA (dell axim x51v) and a small piece of software (SPB time). SPB time allows you to set a reoccurring countdown timer that would sound an alarm and restart the cycle once you acknowledged the notice. Smoke only when it alarms,Never before the alarm and never after…just on the alarm. Each subsequent day,
You can adjust the alarm by extending it by 5 minutes, maintaining the discipline: Never before and never after. Gradually increase alarm time and reduce smoking

It really works,Don’t wait just give a try to quit smoking in easy way