May 12, 2008

Find your e-mail with Gmail search

Sometimes you want the specific email and you start ending up by scrolling through all the emails in your inbox.Now with few tips and tricks you can easily locate any particular email with Gmail search.
You see the image above,youll get similar one in your gmail too,now suppose you want to see all the mails send to you by your friend Monica or you might want to see the statement bills in your mail,just type in the keywords like Monica or statement bills,then you will get all the mails from monica or the mail related to your statement bills.

But the real power of Gmail search lies in search operators -- words that help modify your queries. Search operators work pretty much the same way within Gmail as they do for Google. So, if I want the email Monica sent me with her flight information so I know when to pick her up at the airport, I type from:Monica SFO. Likewise:

- A link from my co-worker Sam: from:Sam http
- A photo from my dad: from:dad has:attachment
- That last chat I had with one of my best friend Bill: Bill is:chat
- All messages from ebay that aren't outbid notices: ebay -outbid (the hyphen tells -- Gmail to return all of the messages that don't contain the word that follows it)
- The messages in my inbox sent directly to me that I haven't read yet: to:me is:unread in:inbox
If remembering operators isn't really your thing, that's ok. There's a "Show search options" link to the right of the search bar at the top of your inbox.Clicking that provides you with text fields you can fill in to get the precision of advanced search. Start there, but after a while you'll probably find that using operators is a lot faster.