Oct 17, 2007

Ping your Blog through 7 Best Pinging Services

What is Ping:
It is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated and your blog will definitely reach millions of people using these pinging services to make your site available to thousands of search engines on the web, so why to wait go ahead and ping your blog for free through these sites and get tonnes of traffic.

Just go through these links below to get tonnes of traffic to your blog(these services simply requires your blog title and blog URL ):

1. http://pingomatic.com/ - you can ping your blog to 22 different web services

2. http://pingoat.com/ - ping to 35 different services

3. http://pinger.blogflux.com/- ping to 24 different services and also have option to select different languages

4. http://kping.com/ - ping to 57 different web services

5. http://www.pingmyblog.com/ - ping to 68 different web services

6. http://autopinger.com/ - ping to 40 different web services(English and non English services)

7. http://blogsearch.google.com/ping - this pings your blog to the Google blog search engine