Nov 8, 2007

Microsoft Products Support Contact Numbers

If you are using any of the Microsoft products and need the support contact number then following are the numbers :

Microsoft support contact numbers:

IMU (MS Games & Hardware) --------------------------(425) 637 - 9308
MS-DOS------------------------------------------------ (425) 646 - 5104
Windows 3.1 & 3.11 for Workgroups ---------------------(425) 637 - 7098
Internet Explorer 3, 4 & 5------------------------------- (425) 635 - 7123
Plus! (95 & 98)------------------------------------------ (425) 635 - 7122
Office Setup/ Office Assistant ---------------------------(425) 635 - 7056
Money-------------------------------------------------- (425) 635 - 7131
Excel ----------------------------------------------------(425) 462 - 9673
Outlook -------------------------------------------------(425) 635 - 7130
FrontPage----------------------------------------------- (425) 635 - 7088
Works ---------------------------------------------------(425) 635 - 7130
Back Office ($195) ---------------------------------------(800) 892 - 5234
MS Public Relations (Press Inquiries) ------------------(425) 637 - 9707
PSS Sales (Setup PPI Account) -------------------------(800) 936 - 3500

Note:Lapnol is not responsible for any changes made to the above information