No executive job is safe in Tim Armstrong's AOL, where he is still cleaning house and putting his own team into place. Even Bill Wilson, the architect of AOL's let-a thousand-blogs-bloom content strategy which is a cornerstone of AOL's new approach, is now being replaced as president of AOL Media by Armstrong's former New York City Google colleague David Eun. "In a turnaround situation we are doing whatever is necessary to make the company successful," Armstrong told me in a brief phone conversation. At Google, Eun most recently was in charge of content partnerships for YouTube and Google overall. At AOL, he will be president of AOL Studios as well, which comes from AOL's recent acquisition of StudioNow. Armstrong expects Eun to bring more video to AOL sites. "You will see an expanded amount of video," he says, "video we produce ourselves and video partnerships." In particular, Armstrong wants Eun to "supercharge" content partnerships. Eun will also oversee Seed, AOL's content management system.
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